Are You Ready to Reach Your Goals?
It started with a simple but serious decision.
I began my workout routine not to lose weight but to build, strengthen and tone my muscles as well as to relieve stress, increase flexibility, and improve my overall performance. In December 2017, I had a life altering experience that basically forced me to make some major changes in what I put in my body. I changed everything from the type of foods I ate to the type of beverages I drank.
It started with a simple but serious decision.
I began my workout routine not to lose weight but to build, strengthen and tone my muscles as well as to relieve stress, increase flexibility, and improve my overall performance. In December 2017, I had a life altering experience that basically forced me to make some major changes in what I put in my body. I changed everything from the type of foods I ate to the type of beverages I drank.
I made the decision to take control of my health and trusted God to guide me and give me the strength and power to endure. For the last year, I have been dedicated to making me a better me in mind, body and spirit. With simply changing my diet and beverages, I lost 30 pounds in approximately 4 months without doing a single exercise. I feel great...better than I have in years.
I didn't change my diet to lose weight.
That was not my purpose nor my goal. It was a side benefit. Was it challenging to give up the foods and beverages I loved and was accustomed to enjoying? Of course it was but it has been well worth the effort. So you may ask why start exercising now?
The answer is simple, to improve upon what I've been doing so I can be a stronger person spiritually, mentally, and physically.
What about you? Are there things in your life that you have been constantly delaying with the intention of doing someday? What would it take to change someday into today?
As a Certified Professional Coach, I have to be personally accountable for the things I do so I can be the helper and leader I know I was destined to be. My life and journey since becoming a Life and Infertility Coach has been extremely rewarding. It is my desire to help as many people as I can. If you are at a crossroad in your life, I would love to help you, but the one thing I stress strongly is that you make a commitment to the process but more importantly to yourself.
This is not just about health related goals, this is all about life and obtaining the quality you want and deserve.
Frances Jones is a Life Purpose and Infertility Coach. She is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). Contact her today for information about how coaching can inspire you to obtain your goals. Be sure to reach out if you are in need of support.
How To Deal With Your True Feelings When Someone Else Becomes Pregnant and You Have Not
A relative. A co-worker. A friend.
They come to you with the news that they are pregnant. And even though you want to be happy for them, you are hurting inside. Why not me? When is it my turn?
A relative. A co-worker. A friend.
They come to you with the news that they are pregnant. And even though you want to be happy for them, you find it difficult to celebrate their wonderful news. You find yourself dealing with mixed emotions and try to rationalize the real problem that’s preventing you from rejoicing with them. It’s because you are hurting inside. Questions begin to race through your mind. Why them and not me? What have I done that is so wrong? When will it be my turn?
The smile on your face does not represent the heartache you carry within. You think to yourself, “How can I let anyone know how I truly feel”. Instead of dealing with your heartache and disappointment, you continue to pretend and perform this masquerade.
The guilt you feel for not being completely happy about the announced pregnancy weighs just as heavy as the silent pain you are feeling for not being able to conceive. You begin to rationalize with thoughts that maybe next time it will be me but “next time” doesn’t ever seem to come. What should I do? Is it normal to feel this way? Does this make me a bad person?
These are perfectly normal thoughts and responses when dealing with infertility issues. You don’t need to feel guilty. Acknowledge that you are having the feelings but don’t beat yourself up. Nothing is wrong with you. You are not flawed. You are perfect.
Your life path just looks a little different. Be open and honest about how you feel. Speak to those around you that can offer support. This may be your spouse, your sibling, or perhaps your best friend.
My sisters and husband were huge support systems for me. But I also understand if you feel like no one really knows what you are dealing with...especially if they haven’t been through it personally.
Reach out for additional support if you need it.
I am here if you want to talk to someone that gets it and has lived through it. You don’t have to suffer in silence. You don’t have to keep your truth locked inside.
We work together to move forward in the emotional healing process. It’s not easy, but it’s very possible. I was able to get through it and I have faith that you will one day get through this as well. You don’t have to go through this alone.
What To Expect When You Start Fertility Treatments
Having a baby and starting a family seems so natural, right? Until you deal with infertility, you never think about the possibility that it might not happen for you.
Having a baby and starting a family seems so natural, right? Until you deal with infertility, you never think about the possibility that it might not happen for you.
I was shocked when I found out I was having issues and I had no idea what that meant for my life. I had three sisters that had all conceived children and I wondered why it wasn’t in the plans for me? I was devastated.
The fears, the concerns, the questions all began to surface. I didn’t know anything about fertility treatments and if that is where you find yourself right now, here are a few beginning steps.
Do a lot of research and talk to your doctors.
Infertility is quite different from one woman to another. Even if the diagnosis is the same, the treatment can look vastly different.
Medicines used in the treatment of infertility are prescribed based on your hormone levels. You may hear of a friend or co-worker taking one medication and you may be on a totally different one. That is very normal.
The costs associated with fertility treatment can be expensive and may not always be covered by insurance. Look into your state’s resources and check your company benefits. Find out what you can do and contact a local fertility clinic to get detailed information on the next steps.
No matter where you are in this journey, I’m here to guide you through the process. Please reach out if you are in need of support.
Are You Following Your Dreams?
In college, I lived beside a teenage girl who often came to me for advice. I always inspired her to move forward and encouraged her to understand that in whatever situation she was dealing with, she had options and it would be all right. It was from that early moment in my life that I knew making an impact in someone else’s life was the ultimate dream job for me.
In college, I lived beside a teenage girl who often came to me for advice. I always inspired her to move forward and encouraged her to understand that in whatever situation she was dealing with, she had options and it would be all right. It was from that early moment in my life that I knew making an impact in someone else’s life was the ultimate dream job for me.
Coming from humble beginnings, I never took for granted the blessings that came my way. I was the first in my family to graduate from college and ended up working at the world’s largest pharmacy company in accounting. Working in corporate America taught me a lot. But I never felt the gratifying feeling I had as a young woman; helping another young woman see all the beautiful decisions she could make for her life.
I finally made my way back to my dream, now working as a life purpose and infertility coach. Are you following your dreams?
If you know you are following your dreams, you reduce internal frustration and get in tune with who you really are. It allows you to better align with your gifts and talents and gives you the opportunity to be free from the trap of living someone else's dream or the opinion of who you should be in your life.
Access your current job right now and see if it resonates with what you feel in your heart. If it doesn’t, why? What is missing? What do you really want to be doing?
Make a list of things you would do even if you weren't getting paid. Is one of those things the real dream? How can you make it happen?
Prioritize the list and meditate on the top three things to see which feels the best to you.
If you are ready to talk to someone about next steps, I’m here.